Horse Trailer Insurance

Our specialist horse trailer insurance scheme provides comprehensive cover together with competitive rates for all horse trailer owners. A roadside rescue is also available, provided by Equine Rescue Services for your horse trailer to ensure you have peace of mind when travelling with horses.

Benefits available with Horse Trailer Insurance

Accidental Damage, Fire, Theft & Attempted Theft
Continental use for up to 60 days
Instant horse trailer insurance quotation available online
Pleasure use only, strictly no business use for the horse trailer
Policy holders must be aged 21 and over
At least one form of seciurity must be in force for trailers under £10,000 (hitch lock or wheel clamp), over this value, two forms of security must be in place

The trailer policy book can be found here.

Please note - the trailer policy certificate is sent by post so please allow a couple of days to receive the documents.

Our online form allows for trailers up to £15,000 value. Over this value we may be able to offer a quotation so please contact our office to discuss.

Please do NOT proceed to payment if you do not have the serial number to hand.


Proceed to quote

Roadside Rescue

When travelling with horses ensure you have peace of mind with Anthony D Evans Horsebox & Horse Trailer Rescue.

Breaking down is a distressing experience, especially when travelling with horses; that's why Anthony D Evans has teamed up with Equine Rescue Services to offer all horsebox and horse trailer owners a 24 hour breakdown service operated by staff who are fully aware of the problems involved in transporting horses. Full support is given with any problems arising from the breakdown.

  • 24/7 full UK roadside assistance for your vehicle and horse trailer
  • Roadside repairs (when travelling with and without horse trailer)
  • Home start available subject to an additional premium
  • Vehicle recovery (Full UK)
  • Puncture assistance
  • Includes recovery of horses and horse trailer to a destination of your choice
Full terms and conditions Car & Trailer and Trailer only


Roadside Service, with Horse Recovery and Homestart


Including 4 wheel drive vehicles up to GVW 3.5 tons

A horse trailer breakdown service for your vehicle, horse trailer and horses anywhere in the UK. If we are unable to repair the vehicle we will recover to a destination of your choice. Punctures are covered by the service, however if you are not carrying a serviceable spare there will be an additional cost.  This policy includes replacement transportation for your horses and passengers.

Assistance is provided for your car whether or not you are towing the horse trailer, therefore you do not need to belong to another breakdown scheme.

Please note: there is no cover for the first 24 hours of a policy being incepted. If you are in a breakdown situation and then take out a policy, the recovery may be chargeable.

Go to Rescue plans

Trailer only service, including Horse Recovery


A horse trailer rescue service for your horse trailer and horses, anywhere in the UK. If we are unable to repair the the trailer we will recover the trailer and your horses to a destination of your choice. Punctures are covered by the service, however if you are not carrying a serviceable spare there will be an additional cost. Please note: if there is a mechnical problem with your towing vehicle and only have the trailer only service with us, we will still assist and recover your horse(s).

Please note: there is no cover for the first 24 hours of a policy being incepted. If you are in a breakdown situation and then take out a policy, the recovery may be chargeable.

** Please note from 1st March this price is changing **
New price - £59.95

Go to Rescue plans