If you are on your way to a race meeting or travelling back from a weekend away, have peace of mind if you breakdown you will have assistance on hand with Anthony Evans Roadside Rescue.
Breaking down is distressing enough experience that's why Anthony D Evans works with specialist mechanical breakdown companies to offer a 24 hour breakdown service providing full support with any problems arising from the breakdown.
Breaking down is a distressing enough experience that's why Anthony D Evans works with FMG through Equine Rescue Services to offer all LGV and HGV Race Van and Pleaseure Van owners a 24 hour breakdown service. Full support is given with any problems arising from the breakdown.
For terms and conditions, please click here.
Full UK Roadside Assistance including towing to your destination anywhere in the UK. We will attempt to repair the vehicle at the roadside, if this is not possible we will tow the vehicle to your home address or destination. The policy also includes puncture assistance whether or not you're carrying a spare tyre. If you're not carrying a spare tyre and require a replacement at the roadside, the tyre will be chargeable. Homestart is also included on this policy. Please note: there is no cover for the first 24 hours of the policy being incepted. ** Please note from 1st March this price is changing ** New price - £110.00
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